5 Ways Coronvavirus Has Changed How We Think Of Self Storage

The COVID crisis is here to stay. The global supply chain and labour pool are struggling with variations in various parts of the world while wearing masks for protection from the virus continue temporary measures that will have an impact on both short-term business operations as well long-term plans across all industries.
Masks worn by employees during outbreaks can lead them to come into contact more frequently than they would without this extra layer; it also makes employers think twice about their health care plan because now any employee who gets sick could potentially infect others simply through breathing nearby.
In today’s volatile economy, it is essential for self-storage facilities to be flexible and able to adapt quickly in order not just to survive but thrive. We need this flexibility if we want our supply chains that are constantly changing with consumer demand; otherwise, there will eventually only ever really have been one normal way of doing things which leaves us vulnerable when changes occur once again.

1: Social Distancing May Continue
The need for social distancing is not going away anytime soon. Even after COVID, self-storages will continue to keep their workers spread further apart than they were before the pandemic because it’s still important in preventing future illnesses like colds and flu viruses from spreading among employees who may come into contact with many people at one time or another throughout each day.

2: Self Storage Automation
Self-storage automation will soon be a reality that many self-storages have already started adopting. As they struggle with adjusting inventory counts, making space for work in process, speeding order delivery and implementing social distancing or decentralization; these industries turn to automated storage systems which help reclaim floor plans while improving workforce efficiency.

3: Increased Self Storage Capacity
With COVID, self-storages are going to need a lot more capacity than they did before. Not only is there increased inventory on hand from the products that were sold but you also have all these people who want social distancing so it’s important for them too!

4: Visibility of Inventory
With supply chains becoming more decentralized, it’s essential that companies have full visibility of their inventory. Many self-storages looking to decentralize operations and cut down on shipping costs by leveraging retail stores for distribution.
A key component in the process will be knowing what they’re doing, and they have enough product available at any given time so as not to leave customers waiting too long or issue an inaccurate count causing panic among both parties involved when something goes wrong later down line due to lack of communication right away.

5: Increase in Cold Self Storage for E-Commerce
COVID had a huge impact on e-commerce. One of the fastest-growing sectors is grocery shopping, which has grown due in large part because consumers are now more comfortable with an online pickup instead of visiting one’s local store and risking getting stuck outside.

An increase in online grocery shopping means an increased demand for cold self-storage, which can add to the total cost of self-storage itself. Therefore, most self-storage facilities will look into using automation to manage climate-controlled self-storage facilities.

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