5 Important Things You Must Do Before Travelling In 2020

You’re eager to get out of the house and go on that exciting trip you’ve been planning all these months in quarantine, but in order to have a care-free time during your travel, it’s wise to cover all the bases first.

These simple tips will guarantee that your travel plans will go off without a hitch!

Ensure your visa and passport are up-to-date

Check your passport’s expiry date first thing before you travel. It’s recommended that you renew your passport 9 months before it expires. Most countries require tourists to present a passport that is valid for 6 months after the return date, so always check!

It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the whole process of getting or renewing your passport. In case you need to expedite the process, you can pay an additional fee to get your passport within 2 or 3 weeks. There are also private expediting services that can do it in less time, but they charge a lot more.

Stay informed about the health advisories and travel warnings

a travel advisory warning sign

As countries begin to reopen, more and more people are bound to travel. With the ongoing pandemic, airline companies are making sure that it’s safe for travelers to board their flights. The wearing of face masks, hand sanitation and social distancing are strictly implemented.

The effect of this Coronavirus will continue to unfold in the following months, and until we get a vaccine to cure this virus, it’s better to travel safe. Find out if your country has issued a travel warning for your destination. You will most likely have to reschedule your flight in case it is under a travel warning.

Save money for your travel

Australian coins inside a jar beside a passport

It goes without saying that money is essential for travelling. Make a budget for your travel expenses. Do some research and find out where you want to stay and what you want to do while you’re at your destination. It’s a sad reality that it costs a lot to go on a vacation and money is not a limitless source. So better save, save, save!

Get a self storage unit

a man putting cardboard boxes in a storage unit

If you will be gone for a long period of time and have no other place to leave your valuables, get a self storage unit. It’s a practical solution whether it’s for short-term or long-term travel.

Another thing you can do is to rent out your home. Since your belongings will be safely under lock, you won’t have to worry about your stuff while someone else is living in your space. Storing your valuables in a self storage unit will give you peace of mind while you’re away!

Pack efficiently

a man packing his luggage for traveling

The amount of things that you have to pack will depend on where you’re travelling to, what the length of the trip is and what you’ll be doing during your stay.

Don’t overthink it and pack a dozen pants and shirts for a 1-week trip. Only bring what is necessary. Remember, this is the best way to avoid paying for luggage fees at the airport. Not to mention how this would make travelling easier since you don’t have to drag a bulky suitcase around.

Here’s a short list for the essential things to pack for travelling:

  • Lightweight Clothing
  • A sweater
  • Underwear
  • Jeans
  • Mobile Phone
  • Cell Phone charger
  • Toiletries
  • Travel Towel
  • Hand Sanitizers

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