The Moving Checklist for the Busy Family

Getting ready to move? Moving house can be busy and stressful, but with a little extra preparation, moving day doesn’t need to be chaotic. Here’s your checklist from Vault Mobile Storage for making sure your busy family has a smooth move:

  •  Start decluttering early. The less you have to move, the better! Have a garage sale a few months ahead of time, and donate whatever is left at the end of the day. Not only will this cut down on packing time, but it will also ensure your new home won’t be cluttered.
  • Organise closets and drawers. It may sound counterintuitive, but organising your belongings ahead of time will drastically reduce packing time and make it easier to unpack at your new place. And again, as you’re organising, get rid of the clutter. It will make a big difference!
  • Schedule a Mobile Storage Unit. Even if you don’t plan on storing your belongings after the move, Mobile Storage is still the best choice. Unlike a moving truck, you can take a few days to load and unload your Mobile Storage unit at your leisure. You could also keep some of your boxes in storage while you paint walls or replace flooring in the new place.vault mobile storage boxes
  • Pack boxes by room. It may be tempting to grab things from other rooms to fill up that box, but don’t do it. Keep boxes limited to each room, and the unpacking process will be so much faster. Don’t forget to label the boxes, preferably on more than one side so it’s easy to read even in a stack. Colour code with duct tape or markers to avoid having to write the room names over and over again.
  • Make a moving binder Keep all of your important documents and moving information all in one place so it’s easy to find during the move. You may want to include copies of birth certificates and ID’s, medical documents, and more. If possible, also keep a catalogue of what’s being transported in the Mobile Storage unit.
  • Pack an essentials box Make a box of things you’ll want to unpack first: bedsheets, shower curtains, hand towels, soap, toilet paper, paper plates, paper towels, scissors, etc. Label it clearly and make sure it’s the last thing packed, so it’s the first thing out.

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